One Day’s Wages: Joon’s Holiday Campaign for A Cause

One Day’s Wages: Joon’s Holiday Campaign for A Cause

Since I decided to give half my salary this year to charity, I finally chose One Day’s Wages to give $10,000 in order to fight human trafficking.

Pastor Eugene Cho and the wonderful people of One Day’s Wages have graciously decided to set up a site to ask for matching contributions.  We are trying to raise another $10k with your help!

Please feel free to donate any amount you like.  I believe we can raise $10k way faster than I did in time for the holidays!

Here’s what your donation can do:

  • $50 provides one month of education/vocation training for one rescued girl (age ranged from middle school/highschool)
  • $37.50 provides one month of Health + Hygiene (Medication, toiletries, medical visits, water) for a rescued girl 
  • $250 covers the cost of 6 days of aftercare for a trafficked victim
  • $500 covers the cost of 7 days of legal advocacy

Click here to donate.

This charity, by the way, uses every single cent towards its cause and does not use any for overhead cost or themselves. It is truly non-profit.

Thank you and love you guys!

— J

One thought on “One Day’s Wages: Joon’s Holiday Campaign for A Cause

  1. We need more awareness about human trafficking which is modern day slavery. A lot of people in North America are unaware of this persistent evil. Awesome what you are doing.


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