“God Is In Control” Doesn’t Let Us Off the Hook

Yes, Christians, “God is in control so don’t worry” and all those other cold comforts that we throw around.

No, Christians, that doesn’t absolve you of being an ambassador of healing and reconciliation and actually leaning into the legitimate fears and anxieties and grief of many people. You ain’t fooling anybody with this “God is in control” stuff. A lot of it’s undercover gloating, and it’s not a free pass to look like you care about those who are truly scared and uncertain.

And yes, Christians, there’s only one King. Nobody in office is fixing what you think is broken. What’s really broken is way, way deeper than that. We proved it.

Photo by Image Catalog, CC BY PDM

14 thoughts on ““God Is In Control” Doesn’t Let Us Off the Hook

  1. Far from absolving us, the truth of God’s sovereignty over all things is the very reason why our ministry of reconciliation is the best answer we can offer for fear and anxiety (Philippians 4:5-7).

    I don’t know if it’s gloating. I don’t know a single person who’s immune to fear, and we live in a world that largely delegitimizes (should be a word, isn’t…) everyone’s pain. Are they just reminding themselves?

    Even as I write this, there’s a part of my mind that’s thinking that some people have *real* problems, and everyone else just has “first world” problems. The reality is that fears are fears, and everyone could stand to be a bit more loving to everyone. We could also stand to have a bit more faith in God. It’s all very convicting!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed, Jason. I can’t invalidate that God’s sovereignty for many, including myself. Maybe I should’ve added that there’s a time and place for those reminders, or even to question why we interject them too quickly sometimes.


    2. Yes, it’s hard to know if it’s all gloating. My word choice could’ve been better.

      I’m reminded of the Fallacy of Relative Privation. It’s unfair to say that one person’s problem invalidates another. Pain is pain, through and through.


  2. If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. – James 2:15-17


  3. “A lot of it’s undercover gloating, and it’s not a free pass to look like you care about those who are truly scared and uncertain.” I am struggling with this statement. It suggests we know the motives of others….only God knows others’ motives. This type of dialogue can be divisive. Was that the intent…to divide us further? If it is okay to assume that we know the motives of others, then it would be okay for one to assume that the motive of this writing is to spread hate toward Christians. One other thing…it’s pointless to gripe without offering a solution. What should the Christians say?


  4. not sure why the phrase “God is in control” is a ‘a “cold comfort” exactly. It essential to frame everything (political and other-wise) within the context of a Christ-centered worldview..and meditating on the sovereignty of God.. well…it’s foundational to Kingdom living. When we minimize that… we risk elevating our human feelings above essential truth. Yes we have deeper problems than a President can solve. But the good news is that regardless of what flawed human beings do.. God is in control and His Kingdom purposes will be advanced regardless. I take great comfort in that.


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